Friday, January 29, 2010

I could....

I could tell you about the project, I could tell you about the amazing breakthroughs that have been happening in the last two days, but something really important happened today!

Thanks to my old friend Shawn Mercer introducing me to my new friend Islam Khaled, who has also become the project's lucky charm (more on that in the next post), I just saw THE most important futbol (soccer) match! Egypt 4, Algeria 0!!!

If you could see the Cairo streets, you wouldn't believe it. Everyone has been celebrating for the last three hours. I'm on the 9th floor and I can hear them still rooting, shouting, singing, whistling, drumming, honking, setting off fireworks, and plain old being ecstatic! Everyone has an Egyptian flag or is painted up in the colors of the flag or is wearing a jersey or something!!! There are people on cars, trucks, riding them like horses, there are people on buildings, in the road, on the sidewalks, literally everywhere, people dancing, people smiling, people people LOVING everything because this match meant EVERYTHING!!! so here's some photos:

ALL PHOTOS COPYRIGHT (c) Anna Kipervaser, On Look Films, LLC All Rights Reserved 2010


Dusty said...

Amazing, it's like a whole 'nother religion.

Chris Brady said...

Anna - This is astounding. As Joan Rivers would say, "Can we talk"? We met last night at HOB, and you had me sign a release so that I could take pictures there -- remember? Call me, you have my card. You do wonderful work, and to really read your blog is insightful and fun. You have a unique dynamic, even in your writing, as your employ the English Language to convey heart felt experiences that range from WTF to mystic levels of love and discovery. Brava.

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